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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Getting the room right is probably the most important factor for pole dancing at home

Pole Dancing At Home by Perpeptua Pinkham
After a few lessons in pole dancing you will probably want to get a dancing pole at to use at home for practice and exercise.
Which Pole
There are basically two types of pole, although they come in many guises, sold by many brands. The important decision to make is whether to get a fixed or a moveable pole. The permanent, or semi-permanent type is more secure but requires screwing or bolting to the floor and ceiling but they are the best unless you plan on moving the dancing pole on a regular basis.
Which room
You don't need to hide your pole away,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots. A 50mm diameter x-pole in chrome or brass will make a great design feature in your home, so why not place it in you main living area. When you need to use it then just shift a few chairs to make space. This also means you can have pole dance parties and it will be a great conversation piece.
Lots of Mirrors
It is not possible to have too many mirrors in the area you are going to use for pole dancing. Every mirror will allow you to get a view of the pose you are in and will provide a great resource for correcting posture. Even small tweaks in your position will alter the line of a pose and could improve it drastically.
Choosing Music
Even if you haven't used a dance pole to music before, give it a go; remember it is primarily a dance form rather than an exercise. The style of music isn't important just use tunes that you like. The device you play them n should have plenty of energy so when you feel like it you can turn it up loud without it getting distorted.
Getting the room right is probably the most important factor for pole dancing at home; so focus on this and you will feel comfortable and be able to practise for longer and more frequently.

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