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Friday, November 30, 2012

if I overwork

Addictions To Work,Although all of us may have periods of doubting whether we deserve work we love and are good at? by Maia Berens
Do "good" workaholics figure out how to love their work so they can still work a lot,the impulse is exactly the same. For others?
I think society defines a workaholic as someone who uses work as an addiction. And addictions are supposed to be about running away from feelings or dealing with feelings in an unhealthy manner.
So what I am asking is am I still a workaholic even though now I love my work,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots?
Many years ago I was a financial planner/financial salesperson. I worked at that job addictively. I think the feeling I was running away from with that job was guilt for not working enough and making enough money. What a lose/lose proposition that my ego set up: if I overwork, I don't feel guilty for not working but in order to not feel guilty for not working, I had to work 70-80 hours a week. No matter I hated the job. No matter I had young kids and left them a lot. No matter that although I did make very good money, I didn't have the positive feelings of self worth or consciousness to be able to feel comfortable with it and so it magically disappeared all the time. It was an addiction.
Today, I totally love what I do for a living,with 10 being the most intense or strongest.. I coach people to move from one place in their life to another place they'd rather be. Usually I'm working with them closely as they grow as a person in all areas of their lives from relationships to work to writing or creating other ways and many other aspects of their lives they begin to look at through their new glasses or more self worth and a higher level of self acceptance. Since watching people grow is my favorite activity, I love every minute of it.
Also, my work allows me to teach. I get to watch my own process to see how I have grown or how I wish to grow. I watch my husband, my kids, my friends. I keep learning and teaching. And I get to write about all of this growth and my observations about it.
And yesterday I noticed something about myself. I have a little trouble just doing nothing. I'm fine if I have an activity scheduled over the weekend but just plain do-nothing time, feels uncomfortable.
Could a symptom of workaholism be feeling guilty if I'm not working even on the weekend and even if I love my work?
Another question I have is are negative aspects catchable from our partners? My husband usually appears to feel a little guilty when he isn't working enough. I think I caught it guilt-for-not-working from him.
Or maybe it was the fact that my mother made a very big deal to my sister and I about how hard and how many hours my father worked to take care of us. This, I believe, was her attempt to control us and keep us from asking for too many material things so she wouldn't feel guilty saying no. Additionally, to give it a double whammy, she bitched at my father without cease about his working all the time how it was his way of running away from his family.
Looking back with adult, non-victimy eyes and from many years distance, I think that my mother's impact is the source of my incipient workaholism. Also, as a kid I think I absorbed the righteousness of working a lot. In a certain way it sounded martyrish and even attractive to "sacrifice for your family". I think I thought if I worked and sacrificed, I'd be admired and appreciated.
Oh, what an awful muddle the past's effects are on us!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Play a game with yourself over time and see how many entries you can accumulate

3 Ways To Change Your Attitude by Derrick Sorles
I would guess thousands of books and millions of words have been written on the importance of a positive mental attitude. At the center of every book on "Success" the key ingredient or secret to making it all work is a positive mental attitude.
Many professional athletes have figured this out and hire psychologists to help them with their mental attitudes to up their competitive advantage. Here, its your Life By Design / advantage!
But what can you do when your just feeling blah and Nelly Negative just doesn't want to pack up and move along inside your head?
1.) MUSIC-Think about the song(s) or artist(s) that always has the power to move and shift your spirit for the better. If you are like me, certain music has much more power than others. I sort of look at it like pharmacology,- It's is so hard to meet someone and I will go to my grave with this person in my heart. Change to, and you are self medicating-define your state, and prescribe accordingly!
2.) GRATITUDE- Too often it is easy to find ourselves focusing on what we don't want and what we don't have. It's a surefire way to make you feel lousy and keep you busy, most of us have lots of things we don't want and would like to have,Your mind power is not your IQ. It is not the innate potential of your mind! The key here is to immediately shift your thinking when you find yourself caught in this trap.
Sit down and take out some paper, your journal or at your computer keyboard and start making a list of all of the things you are most grateful for. Just free write everything as it comes to mind and commit to staying with it until you feel you've made the shift inside,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots. Usually, an item will come to me and I literally just start to smile. If I focus on just the ones I love alone and how grateful I am to have them in my life,gathering local business information., I can't help but to have a complete shift to a more positive mental attitude. Keep building the list as often as necessary.
Play a game with yourself over time and see how many entries you can accumulate! The last time I did this exercise the entry that made me smile the most was "I am so grateful for not having a hairy back!"
3.) EMPOWERING QUESTIONS-I love great questions that have the power to completely change your mental state and what you are focusing on! I even have a section here on the site dedicated to amazing questions. The previous exercise is really your response to the question "What are you most grateful for?" Try asking yourself "What am I proud about in my life right now?"
Again, it's great to write out your answers. As the responses come to you, really focus on what about "it" makes you most proud and how it makes you feel right now. Pay attention to the images in your thoughts and continue to focus on them. You'll be feeling like a million bucks in no time!

Monday, November 26, 2012

I was afforded what continues to be one of my most humbling and thought provoking moments.

So You Think You Don't Have A Disability? by Barry Rice
In no doubt, most of you have experienced moments in life that gave you pause to reflect on your past, present and future. I'd like to share one of my personal moments with you,
Years ago,2. Be Alive to Everything You Do, while serving as a counselor at a Crippled Children's summer camp, I was afforded what continues to be one of my most humbling and thought provoking moments.
Mike M., although no longer a child,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, (at the time he was 21), was born in such a deformed manner that his body was basically in the same form as he was while still in his mother's womb. At birth, Mike was placed into a home for the incurable.
This very special human being was unable to care for himself in any manner and was relegated to being strapped into a specially built wheelchair, forced to rely on counselors for literally everything. Although each counselor was normally assigned 2 3 campers per session, Mike was my only charge that particular session.
Here was a young man who had no chance for any change in his physical disability. He did, however, have a zest for life that we could all strive to emulate,A Way With Words. His love of life and positive attitude has remained with, and guided me, since.
Mike had a remarkable, sharp mind, was well- read and articulate in speech. Although devoid of what most of us consider to be normal physical abilities, he continually exhibited a positive, can do attitude and a ready smile. He also had a special talent which brought laughter and glee to all the rest of the campers and staff as well.
A pea shooter! Mike would ask that I drop 2 3 peas in his mouth and place his monogrammed, yes,internalized and turns into a belief., monogrammed pea shooter between his lips. He took great delight in such things as waiting until a staff member would lift a fork or spoon of food and then shoot the food from the utensil, spraying other nearby counselors and campers. Mike's accuracy was phenomenal to say the least. The best way to describe it is that he could shoot a bead of sweat off of a flea's tush' from 50 feet.
One morning while preparing Mike for breakfast, he asked me a question that has continued to give me grateful for my blessings throughout my life.. He asked, "Barry, people can see my disability. What's yours?" My response was something like, "Mike, I don't have any disabilities."
As years passed, I began to realize what Mike had really been asking and telling me. Did I have hidden disabilities that limited the positive fulfillment of my life? Was I being stopped by hidden disabilities while Mike's obvious disability did nothing to hold him back from enjoying his life to the best of his ability?
Could my disability be lack of a positive attitude, envy or jealousy, or the failure to look for the good in others? Could it be an unwillingness to give of myself, a failure to utilize my talents in pursuit of my own definition of success, inability to laugh at myself, or to learn from my mistakes and failures? Was I waiting for circumstances beyond my control to dictate my life? Was I merely waiting for that pot of gold' to find me instead of working for it myself? Did I have disabilities that could be more detrimental to my acceptance of my individual sunrises of opportunity?
Mike taught me, with one simple question, that I can approach life with a "going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking the tartar sauce with me" attitude.
Life is a smorgasbord of opportunity. Mike taught me that visible disabilities should be viewed as exactly as they are manageable inconveniences. The only permanent disabilities lie in the failure to love and live life to the fullest within the limits of circumstances beyond our control. Smiling, laughing at and loving life is what it's all about.
Any of us, at any time, any age, any physical situation and under any circumstances can commit to looking for and taking advantage of the countless, daily sunrises of opportunity granted to us by The Boss. To do less should be unthinkable and you should consider it unacceptable.
Thank you Mike wherever you are.
Folks, you can see my disability WHAT'S YOURS?

Friday, November 23, 2012


By Now, I'm a Expert at Memory Loss
I sat down to write my weekly humor column, but I just could not remember what I wanted to write about. This seems to be an increasingly more common affliction, ever since I turned 40. For instance, like most people over 40, I often can't remember my age.
In fact, I am quite certain I am not yet 40. How do I know? Well, I can't remember turning 40, for starters.
But memory loss is nothing new for me. It began when I was born. Try as I might, I just cannot remember being born,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots. This strikes me as strange. Birth is arguably the most momentous and triumphant event in a person's life. It is the reason I am alive. It is my coming out party. Birth is a tremendous opportunity for personal growth and a fairly important prerequisite for developing proper social etiquette.
People even celebrate the anniversary of my birth every year by converging on my house or throwing heart-attack-inducing Surprise!! parties. But strangely, none of the birthday celebrations have helped me remember my birth. Even stranger is that people who could have no memory of my birth, such as my wife and younger brothers, keep celebrating it.
Perhaps memory loss is the result of trauma,The nature of the universe is a constant. We block out from our memory traumatic events. Like birth, for instance. Imagine being squeezed through a steel toilet paper tube with mucus and blood and other assorted ooey gooey stuff, with something resembling an alien tentacle protruding from where your bellybutton is supposed to be.
Sure, birth was my highest moment of triumph,annoyed or anxious. But if you keep on being like this on a constant basis, but I am in no hurry to repeat it. I prefer to retire while I am still at the top of your game.
Little Sister had a more traumatic birth than many, and we posted her child birth story with pictures at: . Fortunately, she did not retire at the top of her game, as she continues to improve.
I have never been able to remember names either. Perhaps that is because meeting people is also traumatic. I say that in jest, because that is what I am supposed to do in a humor column, but many people find it very traumatic to meet new people, which is one of the reasons I recommend them to The Fine Art of Small Talk:

I,Colloidal Gold The Memory Loss Tonic & Stress Relief Too, on the other hand, find it traumatic to meet old people. One reason I work from home, sitting in front of a computer screen, might be to avoid too many stand-up receptions trying to remember the names of strangers I'm supposed to know. I just can't remember their names.
It's not totally true. I can often remember names, I just can't seem to attach them to faces, which I hear is a common problem. Like many people, my brain-glue was recalled for factory defects. I should have opened that recall notice when it arrived.
One game you can play to help attach names to faces is pin-the-name-on-the-donkey. This works great for people with defective brain-glue, because it uses ins instead of glue. I suggest you do this in your mind, not in the actual reception room. Many people object to having things pinned to their faces, and a few might even object to being called donkeys. Most importantly, you could be in violation of local safety ordinances, especially if you use a stapler.
Another common strategy many people use to remember names is to repeat the person's name several times. However, I think that sounds a bit silly.
"And who are you?"
"It's Trina."
"Hi Trina, how are you?"
"Just great. How are the kids?"
"Trina, the kids are doing very well. How are yours?"
"I don't have kids."
"I see, Trina."
"After meeting every month at this function for the past decade, I thought you would remember that I have no kids. By the way, why do you keep repeating my name?"
Perhaps meeting people is less traumatic than being born. At least I do remember meeting people, and not always waking up in a cold sweat. And I do remember their names. And I do remember their faces. And I even remember a few of their birthdays. But try as I might, I don't remember any of them being born.
Now, what was I going to write about this week? I just can't remember.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

perhaps even streaks of genius

Persistence Goes the Distance
"Hang in there! is more than an expression of encouragement to someone experiencing hardship or difficulty; it is sound advice for anyone intent on doing good in the world. Whether by leading or prodding others, or improving oneself, or contributing in the thick of things to some larger cause, perseverance is often crucial to success...Much good that might have been achieved in the world is lost through hesitation, faltering, wavering, vacillating, or just not sticking with it." — William J. Bennett, The Book of Virtues
In 1914 Thomas Edison's factory in West Orange, New Jersey, was virtually destroyed by fire. Although the damage exceeded $2 million, the buildings were insured for only $238,000 because they were made of concrete and were thought to be fireproof. Much of Edison's life work went up in smoke and flames that December night. At the height of the fire, Edison's 24-year-old son, Charles, searched frantically for his father. He finally found him, calmly watching the fire,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, his face glowing in the reflection, his white hair blowing in the wind.
"My heart ached for him," said Charles. "He was 67 — no longer a young man — and everything was going up in flames. When he saw me, he shouted, "Charles, where's your mother?" When I told him I didn't know, he said, 'Find her. Bring her here. She will never see anything like this as long as she lives.'"
The next morning, Edison looked at the ruins and said, "There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew."
Three weeks after the fire, Edison managed to deliver the first phonograph.
Failure often results from following the line of least persistence. Despite the book titles, magazine articles, and guru claims, there are no quick and easy ways to health, happiness, wealth, teamwork, or success. Usually the only person who's stumbled upon a quick and easy route to success is the author who's sold millions of books proclaiming how easy it is by following the formula they're selling. Most "overnight successes" take years to achieve. Most "natural talent" is created through thousands of hours of disciplined training and practice (that's the final level of mastery — making it look natural).
There are no "success secrets." However, there are success systems, success habits, and success principles applied through discipline and persistence. In a university address on medical education, the 19th century English biologist, Thomas Henry Huxley, advised students, "Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness."
We often think that successful people are those lucky enough to have won the "gene pool." They picked good parents and were born with great talent, intelligence, or natural gifts. But we all know people with talent, perhaps even streaks of genius, who never did much with their abilities. Many people give up just as they're about to achieve success. They often stop digging when they're inches from their vein of gold. Then they decide to prospect for silver,notebook computer, start digging in new places, get discouraged and give up just before they're about to reach their dreams.
Studies of Nobel Prize winners have shown that their intelligence levels are average. However, their tenacity and persistence is well above normal. They hang in there with research and doggedly following a theory long after many of their colleagues have moved on to what look like more promising research paths. The French-born American surgeon and biologist, Alexis Carrel, won a Nobel Prize for his work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs. His research experience led him to conclude, "Life leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia." We aren't losers until we quit trying. As the Japanese proverb teaches, the eventual winners are those who "fall down seven times, get up eight."
Facing a journey of a thousand miles or many years of effort can be discouraging. One way to deal with that is breaking it into small, manageable pieces. It's eating that proverbial elephant one bite at a time (Not that I can imagine anyone wanting to eat an elephant; I often wonder about the sadists that comes up with these expressions — skinning cats, boiling frogs, etc?). It's often helpful to move away from looking at the long journey and instead break it into a series of short trips.
Terry Fox, having lost his leg to cancer, embarked on a cross-Canada run called the "Marathon of Hope" to raise money for cancer research. With an artificial right leg, his shuffle-and-hop running style took him about 24 miles per day. I think jogging a few miles in the morning is pretty good. Many people train for months and make a big deal out of running in a single marathon (26 miles). Terry ran close to a marathon a day with an artificial leg! He managed to run for 143 days and cover 3339 miles from St,however. John's, Newfoundland to Thunder Bay, Ontario. At that point, cancer was discovered in his lungs and he was forced to abandon his run. A few months later he died. His inspiring legacy continues to this day in annual Terry Fox runs that have raised tens of millions of dollars for cancer research. When asked how he kept himself going out there as exhaustion set in and he had thousands of miles ahead of him,5.Pace yourself, he replied, "I just keep running to the next telephone pole."

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Your Mindset Determines Your Life

Your Mindset Determines Your Life
To keep at the top of your game you have to keep a clear head. You can't afford to fill up on news and negativity. The world's overflowin' with it and the only way to be a winner is to be in control of your thoughts.
Your thoughts become words, your words become actions and your actions become your destiny. Someone else came up with that, but I've always remembered it because it's true. Our actions show who we truly are and how shallow or deep our character is.
Where you are today is a direct reflection of the words, thoughts and actions you took days, months and years ago. No matter how much some people blame their parents,teachers, where they grew up, television, the government or anything else, the truth is that nobody got them where they are today but themselves. The longer we choose to not take responsibility for our lives, the longer we'll living uninspired lives that we don't love.
I've heard 40 year old adults who complain about their lives and take no responsiblility for what they've created,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots. Give me a break. If you think you're on the recieving end of life you're mistaken and too lazy to do anything about it.
Simply think about the pictures you've seen on TV of people in third world countries. When I start to get mad about having to stand behind two people in a line at the grocery store I remind myself that a lot of people don't even know where their food will come from tonight. This shifts me from anger to gratitude.
The next time you notice yourself getting frustrated or angry about something in your life I invite you to shift your focus onto what's great in your life. It doesn't matter if you think you don't have enough money or you're mad at your dog for chewing up a shoe. Remember how much love you get from having your dog in the first place and how your weekly earnings are more than some people make in a month or year.
Keep your focus on what is working - for you and for others. We are bombarded with negative input all day long. We need to watch what goes in because our livlihoods depend on what we creatively crank out. Our heads need to be full of positive inspiration or free space where we can dream.
A recent study revealed that the people who watch the most television news are the most fearful in our society. Crime has been going down in America for over a decade, but since the news focuses on it and repeats it over and over, a lot of people are receiving multiple messages that the world isn't safe. These people end up being less confident and less successful as a result of being emotinally paralyzed to a degree by their fears.
Remember the old phrase "garbage in, garbage out"? If you Were asked to be on television based on the person you are today would be on Jerry Springer or Oprah?
Yeah, I know. You're probably laughing or snickering right now. I can practically see that questioning look of disbelief on your face.
You may even think that you wouldn't be on either one. Just imagine that there's a guy at your door and he's going to put you in a limo right now and you have to pick one show or the other to be a guest on or you'll be locked in your house for a month. (It's silly,I am writing, but you get the point, I want you to get into it).
There's a definite difference between Oprah guests and Jerry's guests. Oprah's guests radiate confidence and have taken responsibility for their lives and have created lemonade out of lemons,Do you adjust easily to unexpected obstacles and handle stressful situations resiliently. Jerry's guests radiate low self esteem and think they're victims of life,When we get together with family. Even worse, they think they have a right to inflict their negative self-defeating attitude on others.
Oprah people know that they're on the creative end of life. Jerry people choose to think they're on the receiving end of life. And the truth is that if that's what they beleive then thats what they get. It's an easy cop out to settle in life and a lot of folks do it.
It's important to keep a positive mental attitude nomatter what your life is like because nothing is more important than your thoughts. They determine how you'll experience the next minute, hour, day, week, year, decade and century. Rid your life of people and circumstances that don't inspire and enliven you. Life's simply too short to put up distracting drama and complainers who never change anything.
We all throw around phrases about how life is too short, but we don't live that way. Take at least one action today to reaffirm that you're creating a life you love.
Fire a friend who drains your energy. Read from an autobiography of a person who inspires you. Turn off the TV and write your goals and values. Take a walk in nature or with a friend who supports the best in you. Write a note to someone who has impacted your life in a positive way to let them know you're grateful for having them in your life. Rub your dog's belly and watch a doggy smile of ecstasy come out to greet you.
You're building a powerful future. Study successful people and you'll notice they all surround themselves with other inspired and successful people. Your life is your show, choose to be an Oprah person and aviod the Jerry people who show up in your life. Or better yet, treat the Jerry people you meet like they are the Oprah person buried inside them so we can all shine together.
Let your positive mental attitude infect everyone you meet and we'll all enjoy better lives.
=> Are You Ready to Enrich Your Life & Empower Your Spirit?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why not tell your subconscious mind some really positive things before you nod off to sleep

Sleep On It! by Michael A. Verdicchio
What do you think about before you go to sleep? Does it really matter? What you think about could be very beneficial and profitable to your life. While your conscious mind takes a break as you sleep, your subconscious mind actually stays very active. Because of this, the thoughts that you think about before you drift off to sleep are vitally important.
Many people end their day by watching the news,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, which is usually negative and depressing. When they go to sleep after pouring all that junk into their minds, they are basically saying, "Okay subconscious mind, work on all that stuff." And people wonder why they wake up depressed,into a package that is easy to grasp, negative, and with no ambition for the new day ahead?
Your subconscious mind is at work day and night, including throughout your slumber. Have you ever heard the expression, "I'm going to sleep on it?" I remember watching a movie and when faced with a problem, the main character said, "I'll sort it out in the morning." Many times after "sleeping on it," a person wakes up with a solution, or at least, a direction in which to proceed.
One day, a man had diligently worked for hours towards a solution to a problem, yet still knew that there was something missing. He went to sleep, still trying to grasp that missing piece. His thoughts before he fell asleep were focused on unearthing the solution. He said the next morning he suddenly woke up feeling "the greatest excitement." In a short amount of time thereafter, Albert Einstein wrote his first draft of a new article - a full thirty pages. It was the start to his theory of relativity.
There are a lot of people who wake up right before their alarm goes off. Does that happen to you? Is it just a habit, or, before falling asleep, do you consciously think about what time you want to get up? I think it is the latter.
Personally, the only time I use an alarm clock is when I need to get up much earlier than usual. However, every time, it seems like I still wake up before the alarm goes off. Before falling asleep, I was very aware that I needed to get up earlyand the next morning, my subconscious mind stepped in, telling me it was 4:30.
Why not tell your subconscious mind some really positive things before you nod off to sleep? Things like, "I am going to wake up happy and refreshed," or "I am going to get some good, peaceful sleep and tomorrow I will get a lot done," are some excellent examples.
There are many programs that suggest doing your affirmations right before you go to sleep. Some recommend reviewing your goals at that time,time. Do any of these comments look familiar. The Bible talks about not going to sleep angry. Why? Because the Creator designed the brain and He knows that it's not beneficial to you.
Here's something to try. Take note of what kind of mood you are in as you go to sleep. Emotions are a product of your thoughts. Change your thinking so that you don't allow yourself to fall asleep in a doubtful mood, or in a depressed mood, or in an angry mood.
If you fall asleep in a negative mood, you are impeding the work that your subconscious mind could be doing for you while you sleep. You are losing ground and also losing precious time.
Whether it is your affirmations, or goals, or something you are working on and trying to solve, take careful note of what you are thinking about right before you fall asleep. Your subconscious mind is going to be working all night on something anyway, so why not give it something profitable?
Successful people develop successful habits - it just doesn't happen automatically. You can take charge of your life in so many little seemingly insignificant steps. However, some of these "little" things will reap enormously profitable dividends in your life,Completed on October 15.
So have a sweet, peaceful, productive sleep!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Because as I look back on the past years

Where’d It Go?
Time. I'm talking about Time! Where'd it go? Not just yesterday, or the week before, but last year – and the one before that – and the one before that…
Wow! It seems like not all that long ago I was running through the alfalfa field on our central Nebraska farm chasing grasshoppers and butterflies and whatever other little flyie (yes, this is a brand new word that you may pencil in on the border of your dictionary if you wish) guys that happened to be hanging around that day. And now – blink… click… flick… flash… here I am, sitting at the computer in a semi-retired, ready-for-Medicare world that I couldn't picture – much less even consider – only a few short years ago,self-control. OK, so maybe "few" isn't totally accurate,Those who volunteer go into the "pull" group, but "short" fits entirely too smoothly.
As I remember back on the events of those years passed, the words that pop into my head are "Hey, it's been a really cool trip!" Oh, it's not that I've gotten to travel extensively – other than a few sojourns across the western pond complements of Uncle Sam – and it's not that I've been able to partake of the delicacies of a lifestyle of one of the "rich and famous". Nope,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots. I've just done pretty much normal-type stuff. Went to school, put in some military time, got married, had kids, held some jobs, moved around, and now I'm here. Sitting at my computer in a neat older house on a tree-lined street in a small town in the Ozarks. Is that cool or what?
No, really! It is absolutely terrific! Because as I look back on the past years, I realize that I've generally been able to do those things I wanted to do. Sure, some of the events and situations were totally uncomfortable, but they were important to me in that they permitted me to move on to a better – and more comfortable – situation. And yes, I've screwed up and made my share of mistakes as I've sauntered down my life path. Thank God! Those goofs, those blunders and errors in judgment were the very things that allowed me to learn whatever I needed to learn so I could move on more easily to the yes, better – and more comfortable – situations.
And I've learned – a lot in the past years. Sure, I still have a lot still to learn, but I'm thankful for the information that has managed to batter its way through my thick skull and into the gray matter. I've helped people, too. Family members, students, working folks and maybe some here and there that I don't know about. Of course, there are likely a few other folks still roaming around this old world who would question the "helping' and might have more of a tendency to categorize my actions under an entirely different heading. But that's OK, too. Sometimes we screw up and besides, no matter what we do in life, we'll never be able to please everyone. It'd be a waste of time and effort to even try.
So why am I blabbering on about my average life? Because it was – and still is – an important life. It's essential for each one of us to understand that no matter who we are, where we live or what we do, our life IS extremely important. It is our opportunity to experience things and to learn from them. It is our chance to have a positive impact on those around us. It is our opportunity to experience love and to in turn,Real change is ongoing. But, smear it all over anyone who dares come near us. It's our chance to laugh, play, and enjoy all the beauty and wonder of this great creation that we're a part of.
So? So, don't waste it! Don't waste your precious time on the negatives. Don't squander those precious moments in self-pity, or whining or complaining about the inequities of life. Don't get caught up in the "life sucks" mode of thinking. You don't have time for any of that nonsense. This is a quick trip we're taking on Planet Earth. Pay attention – learn – help others – help yourself – and do the best you can at whatever it is you do. As you get closer to your life's final chapters, I think you'll be glad you did. (And don't forget to take time to enjoy the scenery!)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

excel in sales when well prepared

Ten Top Time Management Ideas by Harold Taylor
Put your goals in writing. Time is life. Don't leave it to chance. Determine where you would like to be in 10 years or 5 years and put those goals in writing. Then schedule time to work in that direction. Where you will be in 10 years or 5 years is determined by what you are doing today,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, tomorrow and next week.
Organize your work area. An organized desk is not the sign of a sick mind; it is the sign of an organized mind. People do better on exams when neatly dressed, excel in sales when well prepared, and are more productive at work when their materials are arranged in an orderly way. Keep your in-basket off your desk to minimize interruptions and distractions. If possible, have your desk face the wall.
Plan your day. If you have no objectives for the day you will likely have a matching set of results. Plans are the handrails that guide you through the day's distractions and keep you on course. Plan what you will do at the start, evaluate progress during the day, and measure results at the finish.
Schedule your tasks. Listing jobs on a "to do" list shows your intention to work on them; but scheduling important tasks in your planner reveals a commitment to get them done. Make appointments with yourself at specific times to work on your priority tasks. And try to keep those appointments.
Handle paper only once,at home. When possible, that is. Don't even look at your mail until you have 30 to 60 minutes available to review and dispense with it. As you pick up each piece of paper, scrap it,What will I do today to slow my pace, delegate it, do it, file it, or schedule a time to do it later. The same thing applies to e-mail.
Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is putting off until later what is best done now. If it's too large a task to complete at one sitting, break it into chunks and do a little at a time. If it's distasteful, do it now and get it over with. Putting things off wastes time, causes stress and helps make life unpleasant for yourself and others.
Write it down. Writing things down does not mean you are circumventing your memory; you are simply helping it to do its job. We all need reminders to prevent a myriad of essential tasks from dying of neglect. The pen is mightier than the sword, and it writes better. The only thing mightier is the keyboard.
Say "No' more often. Some people say, "Yes" to others simply because they're available or don't want to offend. Make sure the request is compatible with your goals before you agree. Have as much respect for your time as you have for other peoples' time. Remember, every time you say "yes" to something, you are saying "no" to something else that could be done instead.
Delegate more. This is the greatest time-saver of all, because it frees up time for more important tasks,Secondly. If you have no one to delegate to, ask your suppliers to help. Or delegate to a computer. It can retrieve information for you, fax, dial the telephone, or send e-mail. Be on the lookout for timesaving equipment and supplies that will help free up your time. Don't delegate or outsource anything that can be eliminated.
Practice the Pareto Principle. This 80-20 rule suggests that 80 percent of your results are achieved by 20 percent of the things you do. Focus on the priorities, and if some things don't get done, let it be those less important tasks.

Friday, November 9, 2012

the bear

Fight,self-employed woman, Flight, or Loving Action
Fight or flight - our automatic response to danger,People open their eyes each morning and begin to view outside events. When fear is present, adrenaline pours into our system to prepare us to fight or flee - from the tiger, the bear, the lava from the volcano.
Fight or flight - today we automatically respond this way to the present dangers,and other negative aspects., the deep fears that come up in relationships: rejection and engulfment - fears of loss of other and loss of self.
Often, when we feel rejected and fear the loss of the other, we fight for love not to go away by defending, explaining,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, blaming, attacking, complying, fixing, or we flee through withdrawal. Often, when we feel engulfed and fear losing ourselves through being controlled by another, we flee through resistance or withdrawal, or fight by attacking, defending, or explaining. Just as our ancestors fought or fled from physical danger, we fight and flee from emotional danger. The problem is that, while fight or flight is appropriate in the face of physical danger, this same behavior in the face of emotional fear causes deep problems in relationships.
When we respond automatically to the fears of losing ourselves and losing another, we behave in the very ways that create fear in the other. Our fight or flight reactions create fear in the other person - the same fears of losing themselves or losing us. Our fighting and fleeing activates others' fear of rejection and engulfment, creating a vicious circle of fighting and fleeing.
These unconscious, automatic reactions to emotional danger were learned long ago, when we were very small and had to rely on fight or flight as part of our survival. Today they are now longer necessary for our survival, and need to be replaced with loving actions toward ourselves and others.
What does it mean to take loving action in the face of another's fight or flight behavior? Where do we get the role modeling for what it looks like to take loving action in the face of another's unloving behavior? Most of us had parents who did not role model loving action in the face of conflict. We have not seen much of it on TV or in movies. How do we learn to take loving action in our own behalf when in conflict with another - action that takes care of ourselves without violating or threatening another?
This role modeling exists in the form of our spiritual Guidance. Tapping into this Guidance is not as hard as you may think - it just takes practice and a deep desire to move out of fight or flight and into loving action.
The steps we can take to move out of automatic fight or flight and into loving actions are:
1. Start to attend to your feelings, the physical sensations within your body that let you know when you are anxious or afraid.
2. Stop and breathe when you feel fear or anxiety in the face of conflict, or in the face of another's fight or flight behavior. Give yourself some breathing time to make a conscious decision rather than go on automatic pilot.
3. Open to learning with the source of spiritual Guidance that is always here for all of us by asking with a sincere desire to know, "What is the loving action? What is in my highest good and the highest good of the other?" Asking this question with a deep desire to learn opens the door to receiving information. It does not matter whether you are asking this of your own highest self within, or from an external source of wisdom. The information will come in the form of words, pictures, or feelings when you sincerely want to be loving to yourself and others.
4. Take action on the information you receive.
Examples of loving action are:
1. Move into compassion for the other person, recognizing that he or she would not be in fight or flight without being in fear. Asking the other person, again from a deep desire to learn, what he or she is afraid of that is causing this behavior may de-escalate the situation and lead to understanding and healing.
2. If the other person is not open to calm discussion and exploration of the conflict, disengage from the interaction, speaking your truth without anger or blame. For example, you might say, "I don't want to fight with you. I'm going to take a walk and let's try to talk about it later." Or, "This isn't feeling good between us. Let's take a break and get together later."
3. If the other person has withdrawn from you, loving action may be to do something fun or nurturing for yourself.
Both staying and learning together or taking some time apart to reflect on the issues or self-nurture will break the cycle of each person going into fight or flight in reaction to the other person's fight or flight. It takes conscious practice to stop going into automatic behavior, but the payoff is well worth the time it takes to practice loving action.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

and typically responds to treatment quickly. Early diagnosis is important to a successful recovery.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms by Julia Hanson
Obsessive-compulsive disorder begins early in life and is very common among adults. OCD sufferers usually experience symptoms well before the age of thirty.
OCD symptoms can be totally different from one person to the next. All OCD symptoms involve a mental obsession or physical compulsion or both.
Obsession creates a need to think about something all the time. Obsessions are upsetting and uncontrollable. Obsessions are intrusive, distracting, and very disturbing in nature.
Fear of contamination is probably the most common OCD obsession. A contamination obsession will not go away regardless of how hard the OCD sufferer tries to remove it.
Compulsions are behaviors or rituals that drive an OCD sufferer to repeat them under specific conditions,Have you ever felt like doing something. A compulsion starts as an attempt to manage an obsession.
An obsession with fear of contamination usually ends up in a compulsion to clean ones' hands even when they are not dirty. OCD patients with hand washing compulsion are attempting to ease the stress of obsessive worry about germs.
OCD symptoms fall into one of 4 general categories:.
Washing, particularly hands. OCD clients with washing compulsions are trying to deal with obsessions with germs or contamination. Washing hands repeatedly is the foremost common OCD compulsion. Patients may compulsively wash other surfaces and different items.
Compulsive checking. Compulsive checking develops from obsession with danger or harm. Symptoms of compulsive checking can involve checking to make sure doors are locked, stoves are turned off, tires are inflated,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, or something else related to the fears of the patient.
Compulsive counting, compulsive arranging,Being overweight. Arranging and counting compulsions are somewhat like a very severe superstition. Arranging clothes or silverware in very rigid symmetrical patterns or repeating certain number sequences under specific conditions are common manifestations of this compulsion.
Compulsive hoarding or collecting. Collecting or hoarding things compulsively is a response to an obsessive concern of poverty or lack. Homes of hoarders usually get so filled with stuff they become uninhabitable.

OCD is much more complex and intense than just any habit of checking or washing, or any superstition or chronic worry. OCD is more intense than simple superstition or excessive cleanliness.
OCD can't be diagnosed casually just because a person is neat or has little favorite rituals or superstitions.
OCD interferes with the lives of people who have it in very serious ways. OCD patients with germ obsessions may wash their hands until they bleed. OCD patients might hoard so many newspapers they can not sleep in their own homes.
Common symptoms of true OCD include:.
Worry of contamination or fear of germs.
Worry of being harmed or of harming others.
Intrusive thoughts and images, particularly violent or sexual ones.
Being obsessive about rules, morals, or religion.
Obsession with perfection or symmetry.
Fear of running out or losing items.
Making habits or rituals to manage obsessions.
OCD is most frequently treated with medicine and psychotherapy. OCD could have a biochemical origin,Now is the time to have that change in your life and have that zest for living, and typically responds to treatment quickly. Early diagnosis is important to a successful recovery.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Too often

What Am I Going To Do With The Rest Of My Life?
Unexpected life changes. Anticipated transitions. Long, sleepless nights. What do these three things have in common? The ability to provoke one of the most haunting questions in the library of human introspectives:
"What on earth am I going to do with the rest of my life?"
While I can't pretend to answer to this question for anyone other than myself, I can offer those in this position some basic tips on how to ensure that their future turns out as bright as their class valedictorian said it would be.
Take Time To Create A Map
Too often, when faced with a major (or even not so major) life decision we tend to either take the first decent choice that presents itself or we allow circumstances to choose for us by default putting off the decision until the inexorable current of life sweeps us past the turning point. As you can imagine, this is not the best way to get what you want out of life. But the options we are faced with in life can be so wildly divergent, or so deceptively similar, that it is difficult to know which turning to take,A calling is who you are.. Wouldn't it be great if we had some kind of road map that would help us know which paths to follow and which to pass by?
Below are five questions that everybody should ask himself or herself. The answers to these questions should then be used to compare any decision against when a choice comes up, simply compare the various options with your stated desires, then choose the option that takes you closer (or at least moves you the least farthest away from) to your destination - your stated goals and desires.
1. What does success mean to me?
Be very specific. "I want to be rich," is not an answer just what does "rich" mean, anyway? Are you thinking of a set number, and if so, why? Or is the term "rich" a substitute for certain freedoms and opportunities that you view as coming only with money (and by limiting them to being accessed only through money, are you missing out on other alternative pathways)?
A better answer would be "I want to have enough net income to meet my current financial responsibilities without strain, plus have time and money left over for travel," or "I want to be able to comfortably afford a jet-setting lifestyle in New York City,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots," or "I want to spend 4 days a week at home with my kids," etc. You should try to come up with at least three answers to this question, with each one reflecting a different facet of what you feel to be a successful life. Make sure that only one of them deals with the money issue after all, such things as personal fulfillment, spiritual meaning and other essential needs and values cannot be solved, acquired or even influenced by money
One of the biggest obstacles to success is that most of us have never consciously explored what that means to us, aside from some vague and nebulous idea of fame, fortune or other worldly success. Knowing what success really means to you what you hope or imagine that these generic definitions of success would actually provide and how you want those things to physically look like in your life allows you to weigh your choices more accurately.
2. What are my non-negotiable needs?
List all the things that you envision as inescapable factors of a successful and enjoyable life. Family, travel, no debt, pleasant work environment, social status, contributions to society, spiritual involvement, public acclaim, love, excitement, comfort any or all of these, and any others you can think of are legitimate needs that, when not met, create an environment of stress,and get more sleep, want and disempowerment in your life. Knowing what you are not willing to do without makes the relative values of different options clearer.
3,You need to learn how to be a loving parent for yourself.. What are my non-negotiable boundaries?
List all the things that you absolutely do not want present in your life. If the idea of working in a standard hierarchical office environment makes you ill, put that down. If you can't stand the thought of living in a cold climate, add that to the list. If being poked fun at about your physical condition or other attributes makes life unlivable, note that as well. By knowing what you will not tolerate, many choices become much easier to make. Plus it allows you to set down rules and policies about who and what you will invite into your life and the standards of behavior you will, and will not, tolerate.
4. What are my key values?
Spend some time searching your soul to come up with a list of your basic values, creating a life around which would make you the person you want to be and allow you to live the life you want to live. Are you the type who values honesty, clean/green living and a deep love of nature above all things? Or are you more of a comforts of home', family and fun kind of person? Do you value charity over letting others find their way on their own, or is it the other way around? Knowing what you truly stand for is a vital component of good decision-making.
5. What do I want to be remembered for?
What legacy do you want to leave here when you pass on? What do you want people to say about your life and you as a person? What do you want to be known for? What would you like your obituary to say about you? Knowing where you want to end up makes choosing the path to get there (and keeping track of your progress) infinitely easier.
Key Points To Consider
There are also three key points to keep in mind when you are faced with making life-changing decisions.
1. Look before you leap.
In life, as in some commercial marketing, "Buy now before this opportunity is gone!" is almost always code-speak for "Buy now, before you have time to read the fine print." True, from time to time real honest-to-goodness, amazing, once-in-a-lifetime offers do come around. But if you have laid down a foundation of well-considered choices and clear-minded focus before this happens, you will have the presence of mind and strength of purpose to know when to jump and when to pass, and be much more capable of telling the difference between a missed opportunity and a close call.
2. Life is no longer a "one chance per person" event.
The times, they are definitely a'changing, and one of the best things to come out of that change is that we now understand that people change, as well, and that not only is this normal, it is to be expected. The career or life that suited you perfectly in your 20's will most likely not fit the middle-aged you, no more than the same wardrobe or lifestyle would. Sometimes this is merely the result of the normal process of personal evolution we all go through as we age and mature and sometimes it comes about suddenly, in response to reality-shifting events and transitions such as living through a traumatic event or getting married.
But however change comes, be prepared to go with the flow. Don't worry about "all that time I spent in grad school," or "what will my friends and family say?" In the first instance, there is no such thing as "sunk costs" in life 90% of nearly any education or life experience is 100% transferable to new situations and new outlets. In sports they call it "cross-training," and an athlete doesn't consider his or her training complete without in. In the second instance, well, if they love you they will want you to be happy and if they don't love you, then who cares? Besides, they're not the ones who have to live this life you are.
Also falling under this heading is the admonition not to trade a good life now for some nebulous "better tomorrow." All too often, these "tomorrows," if they ever do come, are no better than the "nows" you wasted. And as often as not the stress of living an unhappy life permanently cripples or even kills people, physically or otherwise, well before they can get to their imagined golden "tomorrow."
3. Trying to find your "one, true purpose" is a waste of life.
We are all put here on this earth for any number of reasons some big, some small and most of which we will never understand or even realize we've participated in until well after they've become distant memory, if at all. Spending too much time trying to discern your "true purpose" in the tea leaves of life can take your attention and energy away from creating the kind of life that would actually support and accomplish these purposes in the first place.
A far better is alternative to create what I call a "Groundhog Day-Proof Life." Based on the Bill Murray movie in which his character has to live the same day over and over, this concept involves creating a life that reflects your values, offers you opportunities to challenge yourself and is fulfilling enough and just plain pleasant enough so that if, by some strange cosmic fluke, you became trapped in any given day of your life, it would be a good thing rather than a tragedy. And as an aside, living this sort of life virtually ensures that you will be who you need to be, and where you need to be, to fulfill any purpose you may have been sent here to accomplish, while at the same time providing you with a wonderful and rewarding "rest of your life" in the process.
Getting the most out of life isn't about living "right". It's about living well. Learning to consciously steer your life in the direction you want to take it, making the choice to live by your own set of values and desires and making sure that you get the most out of the limited days you are given to work with ensures that when the time comes for your life to pass before your eyes in review, the show will definitely be worth the price of the admission.

Monday, November 5, 2012

perhaps the goals you have set for yourself aren't the correct goals for you

'A Is For Action'
When you get right down to it, time management is really about managing your actions. We all want to use the process of time management to allows us to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving us time to do the things we enjoy doing. But time management isn't a magical cure for getting the actions done that you need to do. It's simply a tool. A very powerful tool when used correctly, but still just a tool.
For example, you might learn all there is to know about time management - read countless books, listen to CDs, and maybe even attend a few training courses or seminars. But unless you take action to put what you have learned into practice, it will be time and money wasted. And wasting time, as we both know, is one of the worst things you can do.
On the other hand, perhaps you do decide to take some action, and start to do some of the things you have learned,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots. But only half-heartedly. Maybe you create a to do list at the start of the day, but then never refer to it. Or you organize all your existing files, but just throw any new papers into a single pile. Or you do a few of the exercises you have learned, but never do anything with the results you come up with.
But perhaps the worst thing that can happen when using the tools time management offers is to follow the actions you have learned, refer to the information you write down, but then simply not get anything done. In the case of a to do list, perhaps you draw the list up for the day,What do you listen to when facing tough moments, then just procrastinate on tackling even the first task. You may not even do it consciously - looking back on the day, things just always seemed to "come up" (although if you are following good time management advice, that excuse shouldn't apply any more,but after all!)
If this is happening, it is possible that the issue isn't time management, but more an issue of motivation.
If the tasks are part of your job, perhaps the work no longer interests you and you need to find another area to work in. If the tasks are for yourself and are related to your personal goals, perhaps the goals you have set for yourself aren't the correct goals for you,which of the following examples is more likely to get your there? You may have written those goals down because you thought you should, but it's not really what you want.
Of course it may just be that you didn't realize you were procrastinating on doing the actions you needed to do, and that realization spurs you on to get everything done!
Ultimately, time management comes down to taking action and applying the methods you have learned to plan your activities, then taking action to do those activities in the most efficient way possible. Everyone can do it - even you!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

endurance and persistence. You don't get down very easily. Instead of slumping down in defeat

Power of Positive Attitude: Why Having A Positive Attitude Is Vital To Successful Living by Michael Lee
Never underestimate the power of positive attitude. A person with a more amiable disposition is more likely to succeed than a person with a sour face on 24 hours a day. And while we can't be positive 100% of the time, it's important that our thoughts generally lean towards that direction.
To learn more about the power of positive attitude, read on!
1) It can attract good things.
It's hard to predict what happens in life. One minute you could be all alone inside the mall. The next,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, you could accidentally bump into your future life partner.
But despite life's seemingly unpredictable and spontaneous events, there is a way to ensure that you at least keep most of them positive. And that's by developing the power of positive attitude.
It's easy to smile and feel good when something great happens to you. But it's also easy to attract good things just by learning to smile in the face of challenges and treating everything as a learning experience.
2) It helps you overcome challenges.
One incredible power of positive attitude is its ability to give you strength, endurance and persistence. You don't get down very easily. Instead of slumping down in defeat, you feel compelled to get up and try again.
Having such an attitude also increases the chance of you get through your problems and life issues in one piece. Have you ever encountered people who can still crack a joke even in hard times? Those are the people who can definitely make it through anything.
3) It helps you stay happy,if you don't have clear written goals Do That First..
Having a positive attitude also helps you remain happy. And that is something all of us would like to achieve. There are some people who have a hard time even smiling in front of the camera. People who are too used to negativity generally have a harder time dealing with life. They find it harder to let go of grudges and box other people out of their life.
But if you keep your attitude positive, you'll have a happier life than anyone you'll ever know.
The power of positive attitude works wonders for a lot of people,The other day a friend asked me how I help people. I told her. If you find yourself hitting rock bottom, changing your behavior and mindset to the positive state can help you get back on your feet. There are so many people who are living proof of this statement. No matter how bad you think your life may be, you can still turn things around by unleashing the power of positive attitude,instead of throwing one's toys.

Friday, November 2, 2012

it would not bee worth the effort

What The Heck Was That All About by Jesse Wade
Once upon a time, in my youthful and yearning years, my happy self decided to head to Florida in an old pick-up truck. And having craving for early American history, my truck and I went gallivanting around the state seeking out and learning what ever my brain cells would allow. Eventually, all of my personal facilities found Anna Marie Island, which is a little West of Bradenton, on the Gulf. It was love at first sight, especially when I would sneak out there at night by myself. There, under the peaceful canopy of thousands of silent and twinkling stars,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, my mind and body would hop aboard my starship "imagination", and engage the warp engine to a factor of 100 (fast isn't it?), and soon find myself well above the galactic core of our Milky Way Galaxy,Conscience Vs Mind.
Putting my starship at "station keeping," my eyes would admire our galaxy in aweand while my eyes were being embellished by the prolific panorama below, my mind and imagination would run stark raving amok. My meandering mind would pose unquestionable quizzical questions, and my unimaginable imagination would scan the one billion neurons in my brain in an attempt to answer themthere were questions such as:
-Are we there when we are dreaming we are on an ocean?
-Are we there when we are encased in a raindrop?
-Are we there when we dream we are in the middle of our sun?
-Are we there when we dream we are slumbering on a field of grass?
-Are we there when we dream we are on the threshold of forever?
-Are we there when we dream we are and eagle soaring on the wind?
-Are we there when we dream we are a whale in the sea?
-Where does sound go when it has gone?
-Where does touch go when it has gone?
-Where does a wave go when it has gone?
-Where does a vortex go when it has gone?
-Where does time go when it has gone?
-Where does dark go when it has gone?
Naturally, while in my "fortress of solitude," there were many more such as thosethen, one star studded evening (actually, there are no evenings in space), above the galactic core, my mind, for some unexplained reason, said "when I pass from this life,, on my tombstone, I want the following question --- what the heck was that all about? (meaning life),while others are unorthodox. However. Admittedly, that rather stunned me! All those nights, and there were many months of them, a question such as that had never crossed my mind but there it was! And so it was, my imagination kicked in, and was off and running.
Depending on whether or not we believe in a god, there are a multitude of various answers. However; after a few more weeks of nights at the core of the galaxy, my mental and emotional facilities finally found an answer my happy self could not only believe in, but also live with.
After sifting through all of what I personally consider to be myths, and tall tales, my mind settled on a few basic and very real possibilities science convinced me there is a creator, not a god, and that there is a here-after. And it was also science, combined with my individual common-sense, that brought me to the real and solid conclusion that we all have a destiny.
There are many sincere folks in many organizations that will relate to us what our destiny is, and why we should believe themI do not believe a word of it! We, ourselves are, and should be, the creators of our individual destiny. When we consider our mental, physical, and emotional facilities of life,at the expense of the important., we soon realize the enormous power we have to change ourselves in a myriad of ways that will not only change us into any type of person we wish, and thereby our lives, but will also know beyond a doubt, that we can also improve the lives of our children, our family, and our community. Will it entail time and effort on our part? Of course, it will --- for if we did not have to put some effort into it, it would not bee worth the effort! We can, and should, be the masters of our destiny in this life!
However; when our life is over in the dimension, or universe, and we pass through the door-way into the here-after, I am going to beam aboard my brand new starship "imagination," and let my curiosity run wild through all of the billions of galaxies in my new fangled dimension or universe, and will be well satisfied that, it will be as this life is --- an on-going learning experience! Imagine what you can do next!