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Thursday, November 8, 2012

and typically responds to treatment quickly. Early diagnosis is important to a successful recovery.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms by Julia Hanson
Obsessive-compulsive disorder begins early in life and is very common among adults. OCD sufferers usually experience symptoms well before the age of thirty.
OCD symptoms can be totally different from one person to the next. All OCD symptoms involve a mental obsession or physical compulsion or both.
Obsession creates a need to think about something all the time. Obsessions are upsetting and uncontrollable. Obsessions are intrusive, distracting, and very disturbing in nature.
Fear of contamination is probably the most common OCD obsession. A contamination obsession will not go away regardless of how hard the OCD sufferer tries to remove it.
Compulsions are behaviors or rituals that drive an OCD sufferer to repeat them under specific conditions,Have you ever felt like doing something. A compulsion starts as an attempt to manage an obsession.
An obsession with fear of contamination usually ends up in a compulsion to clean ones' hands even when they are not dirty. OCD patients with hand washing compulsion are attempting to ease the stress of obsessive worry about germs.
OCD symptoms fall into one of 4 general categories:.
Washing, particularly hands. OCD clients with washing compulsions are trying to deal with obsessions with germs or contamination. Washing hands repeatedly is the foremost common OCD compulsion. Patients may compulsively wash other surfaces and different items.
Compulsive checking. Compulsive checking develops from obsession with danger or harm. Symptoms of compulsive checking can involve checking to make sure doors are locked, stoves are turned off, tires are inflated,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Grey Boots, or something else related to the fears of the patient.
Compulsive counting, compulsive arranging,Being overweight. Arranging and counting compulsions are somewhat like a very severe superstition. Arranging clothes or silverware in very rigid symmetrical patterns or repeating certain number sequences under specific conditions are common manifestations of this compulsion.
Compulsive hoarding or collecting. Collecting or hoarding things compulsively is a response to an obsessive concern of poverty or lack. Homes of hoarders usually get so filled with stuff they become uninhabitable.

OCD is much more complex and intense than just any habit of checking or washing, or any superstition or chronic worry. OCD is more intense than simple superstition or excessive cleanliness.
OCD can't be diagnosed casually just because a person is neat or has little favorite rituals or superstitions.
OCD interferes with the lives of people who have it in very serious ways. OCD patients with germ obsessions may wash their hands until they bleed. OCD patients might hoard so many newspapers they can not sleep in their own homes.
Common symptoms of true OCD include:.
Worry of contamination or fear of germs.
Worry of being harmed or of harming others.
Intrusive thoughts and images, particularly violent or sexual ones.
Being obsessive about rules, morals, or religion.
Obsession with perfection or symmetry.
Fear of running out or losing items.
Making habits or rituals to manage obsessions.
OCD is most frequently treated with medicine and psychotherapy. OCD could have a biochemical origin,Now is the time to have that change in your life and have that zest for living, and typically responds to treatment quickly. Early diagnosis is important to a successful recovery.

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